IT Projects

Your IT secret weapon

Whether you’re looking for help with a specific project or just need some expert consultation, Matrix Integration expands what you can accomplish. We’re here to reduce the noise, fill the gaps, and give you space to think not just about what’s right now, but also what’s next. 

Group 1000002046
Get the expert help you need

Matrix IT Solutions

Don’t need full-time IT support but want to keep improving and accelerating your IT? With focused IT solutions, your Matrix team can expand your capacity and expertise, so you can still reach your goals, even as your own IT team grows. 

our process

Matrix Action Plan (MAP)

How do we guide you to your best decisions?
It starts with outlining your MAP.

  • A man reclining in a white chair, facing a wall of ideas on notecards.
    Define Your Destination

    These are your short-term and long-term goals, what you’re hoping to achieve in your organization and in your daily life at work.

  • Two colleagues talk in the office, collaborating on a solution.
    Choose the Best Path

    We outline your options, the pros and cons, and our recommendations, and work with you to choose what’s best.

  • A man sitting at his desk, checking his phone with a smile.
    Report and Adjust Along the Way

    You never have to wonder how it’s going; you’ll get frequent reports on progress and proactive recommendations for what to do next.

  •  Two colleagues shake hands after deciding on a strategy
    Reach Your Destination

    Together, we’ll help you expand your business, secure your data, and achieve a new level of IT maturity in your org.

  • Colleagues collaborate at a workstation, one taking handwritten notes, one using their keyboard.
    Set Your Sights on the Next Destination

    Once you reach the top of one peak, you can better see the others in your path; there’s always more room to grow.

 why matrix

A difference that you can feel, and we can prove


Support Services Satisfaction


Project Implementation


Client NPS (World Class)

Hear it right from customers like you

"Our work with Matrix has been a true partnership. They want to see us succeed, and by working together we’ve been able to bring the vision of our new K-RAX division to life."
Deon Carr, Business Systems Manager, Koetter Group
"The Matrix team is always very professional and their technicians are world-class solution providers."
Virgil Rasche, Hampton Inn Evansville Airport
"We needed a new IT solution, but more than that, we needed an IT partner. I feel like we’ve found that in Matrix Integration. Not only were they able to set up our new system in record time, we know they’ll be there with strategic advice and solutions for us to continue to grow."
Trisha Eichmiller, VP of Administration, Universal Package
"I like to say they do all the heavy lifting for us. If something breaks that’s over my skill set, I lean heavily on Matrix. We’ve gotten to the point where the engineers know me and my company so well, that if you called them with an issue they’d say ‘Well if you’re at Mike’s, this server is a little quirky;’ stuff like that. They’ve developed a relationship with me and with my environment."
Mike Huff, Computer Systems Specialist, Curtis Maruyasu America
Contact Us

No matter what you need, let’s start with a conversation

Whether you need a very specific question answered or just want to know more about what we could accomplish together, your Matrix team is ready to dive right into your systems, your goals, and your biggest pain points. Let’s start by putting it all out there on the table. 

Serving Indiana, Kentucky, and surrounding areas

Talk to our team: +1 (800) 264-1550

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